Braun Series 3 390cc Review

The Braun Series three 390CC-4 includes a shaver and a cleaning and charging station. The shaver and unit are made with a swish shiny black casing with blue highlights, which make it seem like a premium line, even though it isn’t. The Braun shaver has a foil-style head and may be used both moist or dry. Braun wants each guy to have clean clean pores and skin that stands proud from others. The Braun Series 3 390CC-4 shaver is cordless and rechargeable. Also read: electric razor under $50 BUY NOW! ON AMAZON Braun Series 3 Braun is famous for their foil-fashion shavers, as maximum of their line of fellows’s shavers are foil and not rotary. Braun claims that the usage of a foil style shaver will deliver men 30% much less pores and skin irritation than rotary fashion shavers. The Braun Series three is Braun’s contemporary line of guys’s shavers. It’s a more top rate line of shavers than their older strains, and are for guys inclined to spend a piece extra money to have the fine s...